How to access your Advising Worksheet in myUIU

How to access your Advising Worksheet in myUIU

1. Log into myUIU at using your assigned username and previously chosen password.

2. Choose Academics from the menu at the top of the page.


3. From the left side of the page, click on Advising – Students.


4. Find the My Degree Progress box (right side of screen),and choose the View All Details link.Copydfd95e49f3b0.png.

5. Towards the bottom of the next page, click on the Advising Worksheet link to view your worksheet as a PDF file. A new browser will open and take a few moments to load your advising worksheet. You are able to download and save the PDF file. Please note that your advising worksheet will be updated in real-time as you continue to make progress. A worksheet key for guidance is noted at the bottom of all pages.
