Use UIU Remote on Mac OS

Remote Desktop Services for Windows Server provides technologies that enable users to connect to virtual desktops, RemoteApp programs, and session-based desktops. With Remote Desktop Services, users can access remote connections from within a corporate network or from the Internet.

This guide provide a step by step walk through to help you getting start with UIU-Remote

Step 1 Getting your App store ready.

Login to your App store on your mac


Step 2 Locate the right software

Opening up your App store, and search for “Microsoft remote desktop”


Step 3 Download the software needed from the App store

Download Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 to your Mac.


Step 4 Launch the app from Launchpad

Once the software is installed, click the icon on your Launchpad to launch the program.


Step 5 Navigate to the UIU-Remote Website.

Navigate to UIU-Remote portal from a modern browser like Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.

Safari is used for this demo.

UIU remote URL is


Step 6 Login to UIU-Remote

Login with your MyUIU credentials


Step 7 Download the remote file (*.rdp)

Click on the File Explorer icon on the UIU-Remote, then a *.rdp file should be downloaded


Step 8 Build the connection to UIU-Remote server

Double click on the RDP file that you just downloaded, and enter your credentials when you see the prompt like picture shown below


Step 9 Enter your username and password

The username format is domain\yourusername. In our case, please use uiu\yourusername to login


Step 10 Allow/accept the server certificate.

By clicking “continue” to allow the server certificate to be installed on your mac.


Step 11 Waiting for server to preparing your profiles.


Step 12 Enjoy your file explorer on UIU-Remote.


Additional info

1. Do not save files during your remote session.

2. When you’re done, Click the “X” button on the top right of the remote connection app to end your session.


3. To relaunch file explorer remote app, just launch the RDP file that you downloaded previously.

4. Once you have connected to the server, the time out for an active session is 8 hours.

If you are disconnected from the server, it will keep your session active for another 15mins.